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FALSE FLAG ou pas Avion malaysien vol MH17 abattu au dessus Ukraine

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FALSE FLAG ou pas Avion malaysien vol MH17 abattu au dessus Ukraine  Empty FALSE FLAG ou pas Avion malaysien vol MH17 abattu au dessus Ukraine

Message  OYABIO Dim 20 Juil - 17:16

English below the french text

FALSE FLAG ou pas - or not ?

Plusieurs témoins au sol ont dit qu'ils avaient vu des parties de corps humains sans sang et en partie déjà en putrefaction, ce qui n'est pas possible si les personnes étaient des etres vivants à bord....ou alors l'avion transportait aussi des cadavres dans sa soute, ce qui arrive parfois...

Séparatiste pro-russe Igor Girkin a affirmé que les cadavres près des débris étaient morts des jours avant que l'avion a décollé.
Selon le site rebelle Russkaya Vesna, le leader a entendu dire par les gens temoins de la scène au sol dans l'est de l'Ukraine qu"un nombre important des corps avaient été vidés de leur sang et puaient la décomposition.

Girkin, également connu sous le nom de Strelkov est aussi agent de renseignement russe, il a également suggéré qu'une grande quantité de sérum de sang et des médicaments dans l'épave.

L'information n'a pas été confirmée, mais le commandant a dit: «Les autorités ukrainiennes sont capables de tout bassesse.


Several witnesses on the ground said they saw parts of human body without blood and partly already in putrefaction, which is not possible if people were living beings on board the aircraft or, the plane was carrying corpses in his belly which happens sometimes ...

Pro-Russian separatist Igor Girkin has claimed corpses near the debris died days before the plane took off.

According to rebel website Russkaya Vesna, the leader was told by people at the scene in eastern Ukraine that 'a significant number of the bodies were drained of blood and reeked of decomposition.'

Girkin, also known as Strelkov and allegedly a former Russian intelligence agent, also suggested that a large amount of blood serum and medications in the wreckage.

The information has not been confirmed but the commander said: 'Ukrainian authorities are capable of any baseness.'


Messages : 1813
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2010
Localisation : SA VOIE


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FALSE FLAG ou pas Avion malaysien vol MH17 abattu au dessus Ukraine  Empty Re: FALSE FLAG ou pas Avion malaysien vol MH17 abattu au dessus Ukraine

Message  OYABIO Lun 21 Juil - 13:19


MH17 Was Diverted For Explosion

So what could account for the lapse in radar systems just before MH17 crashed?

According to a YouTube report by POTRBLOG, there was evidence that ukrainian military craft had been deployed in the area, which would reveal what could have provided the radar coverage, corroborating other accounts by Spanish air traffic control, that ukrainian fighter jets were nearby the passenger plane before it was downed.

There are  other pressing questions that need to be answered, as it has been confirmed by Malaysia Airlines itself, that Kiev-based Ukrainian air controllers had requested that MH17 lower its altitude just before the plane’s demise. Add to this, the fact that this MH17 passenger jet was redirected so it would fly directly through a war-zone where a number of planes and helicopters had apparently been shot down over the last three weeks.

If indeed a SAM ground missile system was used in the downing of MH17, then it would have required assistance in the form of radar guidance – a capability not even remotely known to be in the hands of rebels in Eastern Ukraine, but was certainly in the possession of NATO-backed Defense Ministry in Kiev.

Voir videos under the above link given

In conjunction with the geopolitical side of the MH17 event there was other odd evidence that seemed to defy logic. Below are a series of photographs depicting passports in perfectly mint condition, intact belongings found at, or near the crash site, and a flight radar screen shot showing that Flight MH17 was actually canceled…

tiens encore des papiers de passagers de l'avion Malaysien qui on été retrouvés sur place, intactes, sans aucune brulures, alors que tout l'avion est completement desintégré brulé au sol.....ça rappel un peu les papiers des supposés terroristes, eux aussi intacts retrouvés sur les decombres encore fumantes des deux tours du 11sept 2001

voir videos n pics under the above link given


Messages : 1813
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2010
Localisation : SA VOIE


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FALSE FLAG ou pas Avion malaysien vol MH17 abattu au dessus Ukraine  Empty Re: FALSE FLAG ou pas Avion malaysien vol MH17 abattu au dessus Ukraine

Message  OYABIO Lun 21 Juil - 14:03

De mieux en mieux, des images sattelite montrent les troupes Ukrainiennes qui abattent le vol MH17 de Malaysian Airline

'US satellite images show Ukrainian troops shooting down MH17


et pi, les forces des services de securité Ukrainiens qui CONFISQUENT les enregistrements des services de control du trafic aerien autour de ce jour là

Ukraine's security service has confiscated air traffic control recordings with Malaysian jet


C'est pas une attitude à avoir si on est de bonne foi, pour prouver qu'on ne l'a pas fait....hein ?

Messages : 1813
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2010
Localisation : SA VOIE


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FALSE FLAG ou pas Avion malaysien vol MH17 abattu au dessus Ukraine  Empty Re: FALSE FLAG ou pas Avion malaysien vol MH17 abattu au dessus Ukraine

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