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SCOOP elie Wiesel serait un imposteur sur son passé d'holocauste

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SCOOP elie Wiesel serait un imposteur sur son passé d'holocauste Empty SCOOP elie Wiesel serait un imposteur sur son passé d'holocauste

Message  OYABIO Jeu 1 Déc - 18:57

SCOOP (en Français sous cet Article Anglais) :

Elie WIESEL, Noble Peace Price with a book titled NIGHT, may be a plagiarist and an impostor :

In May 1944 , when Miklos Gruner was 15, he was deported from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau with his mother, father as well as a younger and an elder brother. He says that his mother and his younger brother were immediately killed after their arrival in the camp.

Then he, his elder brother and their father had an inmate number tattooed on their arms and were sent to perform hard work in a synthetic fuel factory linked to IG Farben where the father died six months later.

After that, the elder brother was sent to Mauthausen and, as the young Miklos was then alone, two elder Jewish inmates who were also Hungarians and friends with his late father took him under their protection.

These two protectors of the young Miklos were Lazar and Abraham Wiesel. In the following months, Miklos Gruner, Lazar n Abraham Wiesel became good friends. Lazar Wiesel was 31 years old in 1944. Miklos never forgot the number Lazar was tattooed with by the Nazis: A-7713.

In January 1945, as the Russian army was coming, the inmates were transferred to Buchenwald. During the three months this transfer took, partly by foot, partly by train, more than half of the inmates died and amongst them was Abraham, the elder brother of Lazar Wiesel. In April 8,

1945, the US army liberated Buchenwald. Miklos and Lazar were amongst the survivors of the camp. As Miklos had tuberculosis, he was sent in a Swiss clinic and therefore was separated from Lazar. After recovering, Miklos emigrated to Australia while his elder brother, who also survived the war, established himself in Sweden.

Years later, in 1986, Miklos was contacted in Australia by a Swedish journal and was invited to come in Sweden in order to meet "an old friend" named Elie Wiesel... As Miklos answered that he doesn`t know anyone with this name, he was told Elie Wiesel was the same person Miklos knew in the Nazi camps under the name Lazar Wiesel and with the inmate number A-7713...

Miklos still remembered that number and he was therefore convinced at that point that he was going to meet his old friend Lazar and happily accepted the invitation to fly to Sweden in December 14, 1986. Miklos recalls: " I was very happy at the idea of meeting Lazar but when I got out of the plane, I was stunned to see a man I didn`t recognize at all, who didn`t even speak Hungarian and who was speaking English in a strong French accent... So, our meeting was over in about ten minutes.

As a goodbye gift, the man that tried to pass for my old friend Lazar, gave me a book titled "Night" of which he claimed to be the author. I accepted the book I didn`t know at that time but told everyone there that this man was not the person he pretended to be!"

Miklos recalls that during this strange meeting, Elie Wiesel refused to show him the tattooed number on his arm, saying he didn`t want to exhibit his body. Miklos adds that Elie Wiesel showed his tattooed number afterward to an Israeli journalist who Miklos met and this journalist told Miklos that he didn`t have time to identify the number but... was certain it wasn`t a tattoo.

Miklos says: - After that meeting with Elie Wiesel, I did research everywhere I could for twenty years and found out that the man calling himself Elie Wiesel has never been in a Nazi camp since he doesn`t figure on any official list of detainees.

Miklos also found out that the book Elie Wiesel gave him in 1986 as something he has written himself was in fact written in Hungarian in 1955 by Miklos old friend Lazar Wiesel and published in Paris under the title "A Világ Hallgat", meaning approximately "The Silence of the World".

The book was then shortened and rewritten in French as well as in English in order to be published under the author`s name Elie Wiesel in 1958, under the french title "La Nuit" and the English title "Night".

Ten million copies of the book were sold in the world by Elie Wiesel who even received a Nobel prize for it in 1986 while -says Miklos- the real author Lazar Wiesel was mysteriously missing... -

Elie Wiesel never wanted to meet me again, says Miklos. He became very successful; he takes 25 thousand dollars for a 45 minutes speech on the Holocaust.

I have officially reported to the FBI that Elie Wiesel is an impostor but had no answer. I have also complained to the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences with no result. The American and the Swedish media which I tried to contact were indifferent. I have received anonymous calls telling me I could be shot if I don`t shut up but I am not afraid of death any more. I have deposited the whole dossier in four different countries and, if I died suddenly, they would be made public.

The world must know that Elie Wiesel is an impostor and I am going to tell it, I am going to publish the truth in a book called "The Story of a Stolen Nobel Prize Identity".



SCOOP “Le lauréat du prix Nobel Elie Wiesel a menti sur son passé au moment de l’holocauste” prétend un survivant.

Par Stefan J. Bos

On sait qu’Elie Wiesel, « écrivain » et prix Nobel de la paix est un sioniste ultra

POUR lui la banalité du mal, c'est les autres, pas nous.

Mais, figurez-vous que quelqu’un prétend qu’Elie Wiesel est un imposteur.

Pas seulement un imposteur au point de vue moral, mais un imposteur au sens propre du terme, c’est-à-dire qu’il aurait usurpé l’identité d’un certain Lazar Wiesel qui était détenu à Auschwitz puis à Buchenwald.

Celui qui soutient ceci qu’il va présenter en justice à Budapest en janvier est un certain Nikolaus (Miklos) Grüner, un Juif Hongrois qui s’était lié d’amitié avec un Lazar Wiesel qui était son codétenu et dont le Wiesel que nous connaissons aurait endossé l’identité.

Grüner soutient même que le livre de Wiesel « La Nuit » est en réalité l’œuvre de Lazar Wiesel.

Je vous laisse lire l’article

Un des arguments de preuve de Nikolaus Gruner est l’absence, selon lui, du tatouage qu’infligeaient les nazis à tous leur prisonniers et qui n'est pas sur le bras d’Elie Wiesel.

Il y a d’ailleurs un site internet entièrement consacré à ce tatouage et qui pose la question : Où est le tatouage d’Elie ?. ( ? )

“Le lauréat du prix Nobel Elie Wiesel a menti sur son passé au moment de l’holocauste,” prétend un survivant. par Stefan J. Bos, BosNewsLife (Hongrie) 18 novembre 2011 traduit de l’anglais par Djazaïri Budapest, Hongrie (BosNewsLife) –

Nikolaus Gruner survivant des camps de la mort nazis, âgé maintenant de 83 ans, a esté en justice le rabbin Simon Köves pour avoir invité Wiesel en Hongrie en 2009, tout en « sachant que cet homme n’est pas un véritable survivant de l’holocauste » mais « qui est celui qui a volé l’identité d’un détenu. »

Grüner est aussi mécontent d’avoir été accusé par le rabbin de “falsifier l’histoire”, le comparant à l’universitaire Américain Norman Finkelstein qui a écrit « L’industrie de l’holocauste. » Dans son livre controversé, Finkelstein dit que les dirigeants Juifs alimentent l’antisémitisme européen en essayant de contraindre les banques allemandes et suisses à payer de nouvelles indemnités à ceux qui ont souffert à l’époque du nazisme. (et on a vu par la suite qu'il avait raison)

Grüner exige que le rabbin retire ses propos et explique publiquement la “vérité” sur Wiesel, selon un document que BosNewsLife a pu examiner.


“Je ne veux pas de compensation financière, mais je veux qu’il [Köves] dise au monde qui est vraiment son ami Elie Wiesel, » a-t-il déclaré dans un long entretien accordé à BosNewsLife, avant une conférence de presse vendredi 18 novembre.

« Wiesel n’est pas né en Roumanie ou en Hongrie comme il le prétend et n’a pas été en camp de concentration. Il ne parle même pas hongrois. »

Köves conteste fermement ces accusations. « J’ai passé deux jours avec lui et Wiesel a parlé avec moi en hongrois. Il s’est aussi adressé au parlement en hongrois. Ces allégations sont celles d’un homme âgé qui a une sorte de complexe » a-t-il dit à BosNewslife. Köves dit ne pas avoir encore été invité [convoqué, NdT] à l’audience au tribunal du 24 janvier.

Le rabbin s’empresse d’ajouter qu’il a bien sûr de la sympathie pour « l’horrible souffrance de Grüner qui a perdu ses parents et un jeune frère dans l’immense complexe des camps de la mort d’Auschwitz-Birkenau en Pologne."

Nikolaus Gruner affirme que “Elie Wiesel a usurpé l’identité de son ami et codétenu en camp de concentration Lázár Wiesel". Les prénoms « Elie » et « Lázár » sont semblables au nom hébreu Eleazar.

Grüner laisse entendre que Wiesel a commis une tromperie en se faisant passer pour son ami et ancien codétenu.

“Lázár m’a aidé à survivre. Plus tard, Elie Wiesel a publié le livre de Lázár sous son nom à lui. C’était « La nuit » qui a valu à Elie Wiesel – ou quel que soit son vrai nom – le prix Nobel.


Il se souvient même du N° de Lázár que les nazis lui avaient tatoué sur le bras : A-7713. « C’est en fait une partie du titre du livre que j’espère publier sur l’arnaque Wiesel : ‘identité volée, A-7713.’ »

Mais Wiesel affirme avoir encore ce tatouage sur son bras.

“Je n’en ai pas besoin pour me souvenir, je pense tous les jours à mon passé,” avait-il dit à des étudiants Américains quand il avait été questionné sur son tatouage. « je l’ai toujours sur le bras – A-7713. A l’époque, nous étions des numéros. Pas de nom, pas d’identité, » avait-il ajouté.

Dans d’autres propos pour BosNewsLife, Wiesel a exprimé sa préoccupation devant la montée de l’extrémisme en Hongrie, avec la montée du parti d’extrême droite, le Mouvement pour une Meilleure Hongrie (Jobbik), qui est maintenant la troisième force politique du pays.

Grüner concède qu’il aurait mieux fait de poursuivre Wiesel directement, mais il soutient que c’est impossible. « Après 26 années de recherches, le tribunal hongrois me donne la première occasion de présenter mon dossier, ce que j’espère bien faire en poursuivant le rabbin, » dit-il.

“Elie Wiesel, qui réside aux Etats Unis est quelqu’un de très difficile à confondre. Le monde entier le protège, depuis Barack Obama [le président des USA] à Angela Merkel [la chancelière Allemande]. Ils ont tous peur que la vérité sorte, à cause du prestige et de l’argent. Je fais aussi pression sur le Bundestag [parlement allemand] pour qu’il me montre les archives sur le passé de Wiesel. »


L’ami de Wiesel, Köves, oppose que l’écrivain n’a rien à cacher. « Comment peut-on voler l’identité de quelqu’un ? Il a reçu le prix Nobel pour ses livres, pas pour ce qu’il a été ou pour son lieu de naissance. »

Pour Grüner, le passage au tribunal à Budapest est un pas de géant dans une trajectoire personnelle longue et douloureuse.

Elle avait commencé à l’adolescence quand en mai 1944, sa famille et lui-même ont été transportés comme du bétail dans un train bondé, parti de Hongrie pour Auschwitz-Birkenau. Sa mère et son frère plus jeune avaient été gazés immédiatement dans les fours qui fonctionnaient nuit et jour dans le complexe nazi. Son père est mort d’épuisement à cause du travail forcé. Agé de 15 ans, il s’était lié d’amitié avec Lázár Wiesel, qui était un de ceux qui le protégeaient. En janvier 1945, comme l’armée russe s’approchait, les détenus avaient été transférés d’un camp annexe d’Auschwitz-Birkenau à celui de Buchenwald en Allemagne. Pendant les dix jours qu’avait duré cette marche épuisante, en partie à pied, en partie dans des wagons découverts, plus de la moitié des détenus avait péri, dont Abraham, le frère aîné de Lázár Wiesel. Nous nous maintenions au chaud en nous étendant contre les cadavres, » explique Grüner.


En avril 1945, l’armée américaine a libéré Buchenwald où elle a découvert Nikolaus Grüner, Lázár Wiesel et d’autres survivants. « Elie Wiesel n’est pas avec nous sur la célèbre photo de la libération du camp, même s’il prétend le contraire” insiste Grüner. Grüner étant tuberculeux, il avait été envoyé dans une Clinique en Suisse et séparé de son ami Lázár. « Je ne l’ai jamais revu. Peut-être a-t-il été tué. »

Après sa guérison, Grüner a émigré en Australie pour finir pas s’établir en Suède où il a exercé comme peintre et sculpteur. « je ne voulais pas retourner en Hongrie. J’avais même changé mon prénom Miklós en Nikolaus. Ils ont détruit notre maison dans la ville de Nyíregyháza, exterminé presque toute ma famille et tué des centaines de milliers d’autres Juifs. Les Hongrois étaient impatients de refermer [sur nous] les wagons des trains de la mort. » En 1986, un journal suédois avait arrangé pour lui une rencontre avec celui dont il pensait que c’était son vieil ami. Mais c’était en fait Elie Wiesel et Grüner avait alors affirmé ne jamais l’avoir rencontré auparavant. « Wiesel avait refusé de me montrer son tatouage. Ce fut une rencontre très brève. »

Grüner “se fiche que Wiesel gagne 25 000 dollars » pour un discours de 45 minutes. « Mais je ne veux pas qu’il se fasse de l’argent sur la mort des membres de ma famille et des millions d’autres qui ont péri dans l’holocauste, » dit-il d’une voix tremblante.


« Je veux quitter ce monde en sachant que j’ai dit la vérité à la prochaine génération… J’accepte même de dialoguer avec des antisémites et avec l’église catholique pour laquelle j’ai peint et fait des sculptures en tant qu’artiste. » Son expérience de l’holocauste et des dizaines d’années de recherches dans la supposée fraude commise par Wiesel l’ont marqué.

L’homme, qui porte encore les cicatrices de son propre tatouage qui avait été infligé sur son bras à Auschwitz-Birkenau, dit avoir perdu sa foi en Dieu après l’holocauste. « Je n’ai plus personne… pas même Dieu.” Environ 600,000 Juifs Hongrois ont péri pendant l’holocauste.

Fais-nous rire pour une fois Elie ET prouve à tout le MONDE que tu es qui tu dis que tu es : montre-nous ton tatouage

La PREUVE la voici, ELIE WIESEL n'a pas de tatouage :

Source de l'article écrit : http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr/Le-laureat-du-prix-Nobel-Elie-Wiesel-a-menti-sur-son-passe-au-moment-de-l-Holocauste-9349.html

Dernière édition par OYABIO le Mar 3 Avr - 5:22, édité 1 fois

Messages : 1813
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2010
Localisation : SA VOIE


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SCOOP elie Wiesel serait un imposteur sur son passé d'holocauste Empty Elie WIESEL probably an IMPOSTOR about his Holocaust past ?

Message  OYABIO Jeu 1 Déc - 19:41

SCOOP By Stefan J. Bos

"The Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel has lied about his past during the Holocaust" says a survivor.

We know Elie Wiesel, "writer" and Nobel Peace is also a Zionist ultra

For him the banality of evil is the others, not us.

But would you believe someone claims Elie Wiesel is an impostor. ??

Not just an imposter in the moral standpoint, but an imposter in the true sense of the term, because he usurped the identity of a Lazar Wiesel that was held at Auschwitz and Buchenwald.

The one who argues that (and put his case up to trial in Budapest in January) is a certain Nikolaus (Miklos) Grüner, a Hungarian Jew who had befriended with a Lazar Wiesel as his cellmate in the concentration camp, whose elie Wiesel we know is not lazar and have endorsed lazar identity.

Grüner even argues that Wiesel's book "Night" is actually the work of Lazar Wiesel.

I'll let you read the article

[U] The arguments of proof of Nikolaus Gruner is the absence, he said, of the tattoo the Nazis inflicted upon all their prisoners and which appears not on the arm of Elie Wiesel. [/ U]

There is also a website dedicated to tattoo and raises the question: Where is the tattoo of WIESEL ?. (?)

"The Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel has lied about his past during the Holocaust," says one survivor. article writen by Stefan J. Bos, BosNewsLife (Hungary) November 18, 2011 translated from English by Djazaïri Budapest, Hungary (BosNewsLife) -

Nikolaus Gruner survivor of the Nazi death camps, now aged 83, has complained about Rabbi Simon Köves for inviting Wiesel in Hungary in 2009, while "knowing that this man is not a true survivor of the Holocaust "but" is one who stole the identity of an inmate. "

Grüner is also unhappy at having been accused by the rabbi of "falsifying history", comparing him to the American academic Norman Finkelstein who wrote "The industry of the Holocaust. "In his controversial book, Finkelstein said that the Jewish leaders are fueling European anti-Semitism by trying to force German and Swiss banks to pay new benefits to those who suffered in the Nazi era. (And we saw later that he was right, according to the many false claims presented to the Swiss and Germans)

Grüner requires that the rabbi has to withdraw his remarks and publicly explain the "truth" about Wiesel, according to a document that was able to examine BosNewsLife.


"I do not want financial compensation, but I want him [Köves] say to the world who really is his friend Elie Wiesel," he said in a lengthy interview with BosNewsLife, before a press conference Friday, November 18 .

"Wiesel was not born in Romania and Hungary as he claims and has not been in a concentration camp. It does not even speak Hungarian. "

Köves strongly denies the accusations. "I spent two days with him and Wiesel spoke with me in Hungarian. He also addressed the Hungarian parliament. These claims are those of an elderly man who has a kind of complex, "he told BosNewslife. Köves said they had not been invited [called, NDT] to the court hearing of 24 January.

The rabbi is quick to add that of course HE HAS sympathy for "the horrible suffering of Grüner who lost his parents and a younger brother in the huge complex of death camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau Poland. "

Nikolaus Gruner says "Elie Wiesel has usurped the identity of my concentration camp friend and fellow prisoner Lazar Wiesel ." The name "Elijah" and "Lazarus" are similar to the Hebrew name Eleazar.

Grüner suggests that Wiesel has committed a fraud by pretending to be his friend and former cellmate.

"Lazarus helped me survive.

Later, Elie Wiesel's published a book under his name, rip off of "Night" that Lázár wrote himself and book which earned Elie Wiesel - or whatever his real name - the Nobel Prize.


Grüner even remembers the No. of Lázár that the Nazis had tattooed on his arm: A-7713. "This is actually a part of the title of the book that I hope to publish on the scam Wiesel: 'stolen identity, A-7713.'"

But Wiesel claims to have the tattoo on his arm.

"I do not need to remember, I think every day about my past," he told students Americans when he was questioned about his tattoo. "I have it always on my arm - A-7713. At the time, we were numbers. No name, no identity, "he added with his droopy face.

In other regard to BosNewsLife, Wiesel expressed concern at the rise of extremism in Hungary, with the rise of far-right party, the Movement for a Better Hungary (Jobbik), which is now the third political force the country.

Grüner concedes he would have done better to trial Wiesel directly, but he argues that it is impossible. "After 26 years of research, the Hungarian court gives me the first opportunity to present my case, I hope that by continuing to the rabbi," he said.

"Elie Wiesel, who lives in the United States is a very difficult to confuse person. Protected by the world from Barack Obama [President of the United States], to Angela Merkel [German Chancellor]. They all so afraid that the truth comes out, because of the prestige and money it may induce to loss.
Grüner says : I also pressure on the Bundestag [German Parliament] to show me the records of the past on Wiesel. "


Wiesel's friend, Köves says the writer has nothing to hide. "How can you steal someone's identity? He received the Nobel Prize for his books, not for what he was or his place of birth. "

For Grüner, the transition to the court in Budapest is a giant step in a long and painful personal history.

Grüner STORY began as a teenager when in May 1944, his family and himself were transported like cattle on a crowded train, from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau. His mother and younger brother were immediately gassed in the ovens that worked night and day in the Nazi complex . His father died of exhaustion because of forced labor.

Aged 15, he had befriended Lázár Wiesel, who was one of those who protected him.

In January 1945, as the Russian army approached, the prisoners were transferred to a camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau annex to that of Buchenwald in Germany. During the ten days that had lasted, with exhausting march, partly on foot, partly in open train plateforms, more than half of the inmates had died, including Abraham, the elder brother of Lazar Wiesel. We keep warm against the cold by lyng close to each others like extending corpses, "says Gruner.


In April 1945, the U.S. army liberated Buchenwald, where it discovered Nikolaus Gruner, Lazar Wiesel and other survivors. [A] "Elie Wiesel is not with us on the famous photo of the camp's liberation, even if he claims the opposite," insists Grüner. [/ U]

Grüner as tuberculosis, he was sent to a clinic in Switzerland and separated from his friend Lazarus. "I've never seen him again. Maybe he was killed. "

After his recovery, Grüner emigrated to Australia to finish establishing in Sweden where he worked as a painter and sculptor. "I did not want to return to Hungary. I even changed my name Miklós by Nikolaus. They destroyed our house in the town of Nyíregyháza, eliminated almost all my family and killed hundreds of thousands of other Jews.

The Hungarians were eager to close [on us] wagons of the trains of death. "[U]

In 1986, a Swedish newspaper had arranged Grüner in a meeting with WIESEL that he thought was his old friend. But it was actually Elie Wiesel that was there and Grüner has always claimed that he never met this wiesel before. What's more "Wiesel refused to show me his tattoo. It was a very brief meeting. "[/ U]

Grüner "does not care that the impostor Wiesel wins 25,000 dollars" for a 45-minute speech. "But I do not want to make money on the death of my family and millions of others who perished in the Holocaust," I want the truth he said in a trembling voice.


"I want to leave this world knowing that I told the truth to the next generation ... I agree even to interact with anti-Semitic and with the Catholic Church for which I painted and made sculptures as an artist . "I want the truth of my experience of the Holocaust and decades of research in the alleged fraud committed by the untatooed Wiesel.

The man, who still bears the scars of his own tattoo that had been inflicted on his arm at Auschwitz-Birkenau, said he lost his faith in God after the Holocaust. "I have no one ... not even God." Approximately 600.000 Hungarian Jews perished during the Holocaust.

So make us laugh for once Elie and proves to everyone that you are who you say you are: [size = 24] show us your tattoos [/ size]

Here's the PROOF, now, Elie Wiesel has no tattoo at all :

source (french) de l'article écrit : http://www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr/Le-laureat-du-prix-Nobel-Elie-Wiesel-a-menti-sur-son-passe-au-moment-de-l-Holocauste-9349.html

Messages : 1813
Date d'inscription : 07/07/2010
Localisation : SA VOIE


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SCOOP elie Wiesel serait un imposteur sur son passé d'holocauste Empty Re: SCOOP elie Wiesel serait un imposteur sur son passé d'holocauste

Message  OYABIO Ven 8 Juin - 21:27

Elie wiesel is a liar......he has no CONCENTRATION CAMP TATOO


Yet he pretends to be a concentration camp survivor.....

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Date d'inscription : 07/07/2010
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SCOOP elie Wiesel serait un imposteur sur son passé d'holocauste Empty Re: SCOOP elie Wiesel serait un imposteur sur son passé d'holocauste

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